September 19, 2023 Joint Finance & Human Resources Committee Meeting

Please be aware that all meetings of the Board of Library Trustees are open to in-person attendance by the public. Out of an abundance of care, all guests are also welcome to join this month’s board meeting online via Zoom.

Join by phone: (301) 715-8592 (Webinar ID: 827 2731 1567)

12:00 – Noon

Use the “SUBMIT A COMMENT TO THE BOARD” link to send a public comment to the Board of Trustees. During the meeting, you are also welcome to submit a comment via the Q&A feature on Zoom. Your comments will be read at a designated time during the board meeting.

  2. Finance Committee Meeting (Mr. Corrigan, Chair)
    1. Resolution to Accept Gifts for the Months of June, July, August (EXHIBIT 1)
    2. Resolution Authorizing Amendment to Agreement with Ubiquitous Design, Ltd. for Architectural Design Service in Connection with the Relocation of the Louis Stokes Wing Staff Breakroom (EXHIBIT 2)
    3. Resolution Selecting and Ranking Most Qualified Architectural and Engineering Firms and Authorizing Negotiation of Agreement with Top-Ranked Firm for the Louis Stokes Wing Roof Replacement Project (EXHIBIT 3)
    4. Resolution Selecting and Ranking Most Qualified Architectural and Engineering Firms and Authorizing Negotiation of Agreement with Top-Ranked Firm for the Louis Stokes Wing Public Restroom Renovation Project (EXHIBIT 4)
    5. Resolution to Amend Agreement with Integrated Precision Systems, Inc. for Access Control Systems (EXHIBIT 5)
    6. Resolution Authorizing Amendment to Agreement with Moody Nolan, Inc. for Design Services and Amending Project Budget for the Eastman Branch (EXHIBIT 6)
    7. Resolution to Accept Safety Intervention Program Grant from the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (EXHIBIT 7)
    8. Resolution Delegating Authority to the Executive Director to Execute Contracts and Agreements and Authorizing Blanket Purchase Orders in Excess of $75,000 (EXHIBIT 8)
    9. Resolution to Ratify Emergency Repairs to the Carnegie West Elevator (EXHIBIT 9)
    10. Resolution to Ratify the Agreement with the Lavin Agency for Angela Davis’ Participation in Library Programming (EXHIBIT 10)
    11. Resolution to Ratify Agreement for Purchase of Natural Gas (EXHIBIT 11)
    12. Resolution to Ratify and Approve the Purchase of Insurance Coverage for Policies Effective August 1, 2023 (EXHIBIT 12)
    13. Resolution Authorizing Agreement for Website and Intranet Redesign Project (EXHIBIT 13)
    14. Resolution Authorizing Agreement with Integrated Precision Systems, Inc. for Tiger Technology Surveillance Bridge Software (EXHIBIT 14)
    15. Resolution to Accept Funding from Cleveland Public Library Foundation for Art for Justice Project (EXHIBIT 15)
    16. Seventh Amendment to the Year 2023 Appropriation (EXHIBIT 16)
  3. Human Resources Committee Report (Mr. Hairston, Chair)
    1. Regular Employment Report (EXHIBIT 17)
    2. Retirement Recognition Citation (EXHIBIT 18)
    3. Resolution to Revise Human Resources Manual (EXHIBIT 19)
    4. Resolution Amending Resolution Authorizing Agreement for IT Recruiting Services (EXHIBIT 20)
  4. Executive Session
  5. Adjourn