Meet Dr. Zelma George: A Living History Presentation

Please join actress Sherrie Tolliver and Cleveland arts advocate Dee Perry in a special presentation about Zelma George, the woman who broke the color barrier on Broadway in 1950. Dr. George was not only a performer but a sociologist and musicologist who made use of Cleveland Public Library in the 1940s while researching African-American music.

In this historical reenactment that promises to both entertain and inform, Ms. Tolliver will portray Zelma George as interviewed by Ms. Perry. Guests will also be invited to share their memories of Dr. George, which may be documented as part of an oral history collection about influential Clevelanders.

Exhibit: A related exhibit in Special Collections features images, newspaper clippings and some of Dr. George’s personal books. The exhibit will be on display until October 28.

Saturday, August 12, 2017 • 2:00 p.m.
Main Library, Special Collections Treasure Room, 3rd floor

For more information call Special Collections 216-623-2818 or email

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