Start Talking! Rx Opioid Abuse

Did You Know?

  • Start Talking Opioids1 in 6 teens has used a prescription drug in order to get high or change their mood.
  • Two-thirds of teens who abuse pain relievers say they get them from family members and friends.
  • One person dies every 19 minutes from drug overdose in the United States and this increasing trend is driven by prescription painkillers.

Learn how to safeguard your home by properly securing and disposing of medicine, recognizing the signs and symptoms of abuse, and knowing how to talk to your kids about the risks of abusing prescription medicine.

This program is presented by a Cleveland Clinic Caregiver and is recommended for ADULTS ONLY.

Light meal will be provided.

All Sessions are from 6:00 p.m – 7:00 p.m. Please join us for one of the sessions listed below:

Questions? Please contact Colleen Jost at 216.448.0258 or

Or visit