How to Make Your Own Alien Space Station | Summer Lit League Week 6

If you could live on any planet in the future, which one would it be? How would you get there? Mr. Barnes is here to teach you how to create your own alien spaceship for space travel.

  • For ages: 6-11
  • Estimated Length of activity: 60min


Space Station

  • 2 Paper plates or Bowls 
  • Paint or  Markers 
  • 4 Pipe cleaners,  
  • 1 Large Pom Pom 
  • 3 googly eyes  
  • 1 clear plastic cups 
  • 1/2 cup of water
  • 5 oz of clear glue

Green Alien Slime

Recommended Books:  

  1. Space Station Mars by Daniel San Souci
  1. The Universe and You by Suzanne Slade
  1. Thank You, Earth: A Love Letter to our Planet by April Pulley Sayre
  1. Astronaut Training by Aneta Cruz
  1. Snakes in Space by Kathryn Dennis
  1. Mars! Earthlings Welcome by Stacy McAnulty 
  1. The Legend of Gravity by Charly Palmer