Holiday Sheet Music and Collectibles Books


Tis the season! Come visit Cleveland Public Library’s Fine Arts Department when looking for holiday sheet music and books on various collectibles.

Holiday music collection: Seeking ideas for holiday music?

Need music selection ideas for that upcoming holiday party?  Along with the visual arts, the Fine Arts Department has one of the most extensive music collections anywhere.  In the music library you will find books on music, instruction, music history, information about the music industry, as well as sheet music containing more than 20,000 titles of songs.  The Fine Arts Department has a variety of holiday sheet music to cover most of your needs.  From books containing more of holiday, seasonal classics, Christmas, Kwanza, pop classics, classical, traditional favorites, anthologies, styles and performers… there is sure to be something for everyone.  Come visit the Fine Arts Department, where we may assist you in selecting the sheet music for your upcoming event.



Collection of books on collectibles and price guides:  Gift season is upon us!

Exploring ideas for that special someone?  Come look through the Fine Arts Department collection of books on various collectibles to get inspired this holiday season.  A not so well hidden secret is our resource of books on collectibles and price guides in the Fine Arts Department; we have books on glass ware, ceramics, watches, jewelry, PEZ, classic toys, antiques, furniture, even Christmas cards, and more.  From kitsch and pop culture to art and crafts, the Fine Arts Department has a variety of books on various collectibles which are sure to help with gift ideas.



Fine Arts
Main Library
Main Building
3rd Floor