Birth of Modern Cleveland Photographs 

The collection consists of copy photographs for illustrations used in the book The Birth of Modern Cleveland, 1865-1930, edited by Thomas F. Campbell and Edward M. Miggins and published by the Western Reserve Historical Society in 1988. Portraits include Garrett Morgan, Charles Brush, Alexander Winton, Tom L. Johnson, Joseph Edwards, Nellie Santo Lanese, and Frederick Kohler. Subjects and views include Tremont, residence of D.S. Brainard, various views of Cleveland, Grasselli Chemical Company, Cleveland Rolling Mills, G.A. Tinnerman Hardware, the Flats, incorporation papers for Standard Oil Company, Case School of Applied Science, ads for Theodor Kundtz, the Italian Cultural Garden, Call and Post newspaper boys, various buildings including St. Vincent Orphanage, Bethel Union, Cleveland Museum of Art, First Methodist Church of Akron, Woman Suffrage headquarters, a suffrage parade, Hiram House Social Settlement, St. Theodosius Cathedral, garment workers, and other photographs depicting a wide range of subjects concerning the history of Cleveland, Ohio.
