Cleveland Public Library Begins Cleaning of Main Library for 150th Anniversary Year

You may have noticed some increased activity on the Main Library and the Louis Stokes Wing buildings. As we prepare for the Library’s 150th anniversary events, we will be cleaning the exterior of both buildings. This may impact the way you access Main Library.

The cleaning of the buildings is scheduled to be completed by the last week in April. In order to complete the work as quickly as possible, there will be some service interruptions. As we all know, Cleveland weather can change drastically, sometimes even on the same day! If the work schedule changes, you can find updates on, or the Library’s Facebook and Twitter accounts.


Portions of the sidewalk may be blocked off to keep pedestrians from walking below the workers as a safety measure.

Main Library

We’re still open! You may have noticed scaffolding above the entrance of Main Library. As protection for patrons trying to access the building, we’ve covered walkway on the front steps to guide people in and out safely. You may see a similar cover again towards the beginning of spring. Our intention is to maintain access to the building.

Drive Up Window Closed

Main Library’s drive up window will be closed as a safety measure beginning March 15, 2019, and will reopen on March 23, 2019 (tentative).

Available Holds

Patrons with “available holds” at the drive up window will be able to retrieve them inside at the Louis Stokes Wing Lending desk (Monday – Saturday 10:00 a.m. –  6:00 p.m.)

Patrons may also contact Lending to have their Holds shipped to another pick-up location.

Expiring Holds

All holds that are set to expire this upcoming Friday or Saturday (March 15-16) will remain available through Monday, March 18.

All Holds that are set to expire on March 20-22, will remain available through Wednesday, March 27.

Additional Questions about Holds

For any other questions or concerns, patrons are encouraged to contact the Lending department:

Phone: 216-623-2872