A.W. Mercer

A.W. Mercer, Class of 1901. Dr. Mercer was a graduate of Western Reserve University Medical School.

Advertisement Card for a Sunday School Rally in Detroit, Michigan

An advertisement card for a revival week at The First Church of the Nazarene in Detroit, Michigan. The card features a printed photo of a man wearing a suit jacket and tie at the left center. The rest of the card is printed with text in various sizes and fonts with details about church events, including revivals and guest music…

Advertisement Card for Revival Featuring the Cleveland Colored Quintet

An advertising card for a performance by the Cleveland Colored Quintet with Mrs. Lacy in Detroit, Michigan. The card has a photo of the music group along the top left. The five (5) men are photographed from the chest up in a line and all wear suit jackets and ties. Text detailing the performance schedule and details about a revival…

Advertisement Card for the Holiness Youth Crusade in Detroit, Michigan

An advertisement card for a Youth Crusade event at The Detroit Institute of Arts Auditorium featuring the Cleveland Colored Quintet and the speaker Capt. James Deweerd. The card is printed in dark blue and orange ink with details about the event, including speakers and musical guests. The upper center of the card features a printed photo of the Cleveland Colored…

[African American Major League Baseball Players in Pelican Stadium, New Orleans, for a Post-Season All-Star Game]

Photograph shows African American Major League baseball players at an All-Star game at Pelican Stadium, New Orleans in 1952. The baseball players depicted include (from left to right): George Crowe (Boston Braves), Joe Black (Brooklyn Dodgers), Hank Thompson (New York Giants), Sam Jethroe (Braves), Larry Doby (Cleveland Indians), Roy Campanella (Dodgers), Monte Irvin (New York Giants), and Harry “Suitcase” Simpson…

Alexander H. Martin

Alexander H. Martin, Class of 1895. Mr.. Martin graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Adelbert College in 1895. He was one of six African-American members of Phi Beta Kappa Honorary society in the 19th century. After graduation, Mr.. Martin enrolled in the Western Reserve University Law School and at the end of his second year (1897) passed the state bar exam….

Amy Mallard

Amy Mallard (far left) is pictured in January 1949 outside the Toombs County Courthouse, where she testified at the trial of William Howell, one of several men accused of killing her husband in a racially motivated attack. Mallard was accompanied by Joseph Goldwasser a member of the NAACP in Cleveland, Ohio, along with her son, John Mallard and her daughter…