Please be aware that all meetings of the Board of Library Trustees are open to in-person attendance by the public. Out of an abundance of care, all guests are also welcome to join this month’s board meeting online via Zoom.
Join by phone: (301) 715-8592 (Webinar ID: 868 4815 4373)
12:00 – Noon
Use the “SUBMIT A COMMENT TO THE BOARD” link to send a public comment to the Board of Trustees. During the meeting, you are also welcome to submit a comment via the Q&A feature on Zoom. Your comments will be read at a designated time during the board meeting.
- Finance Committee Report (Mr. Seifullah, Chair)
- Resolution to Accept Gifts for the Month of September (EXHIBIT 1)
- Ninth Amendment to the Year 2022 Appropriation (EXHIBIT 2)
- Resolution Authorizing Agreement with Taylor Oswald LLC for Benefits Consulting Services (EXHIBIT 3)
- Resolution to Renew Maintenance Agreement with Integrated Precision Systems Inc. for Maintenance of People Counting Hardware, Software, and Firmware (EXHIBIT 4)
- Resolution Authorizing Continuation of Lease of Vehicles from Enterprise FM Trust (EXHIBIT 5)
- Resolution to Ratify Amendment to Agreement with Personnel Research and Development Corporation for Executive Coaching Services (EXHIBIT 6)
- Resolution Authorizing Commercial Account Agreement with U.S. Bank for Fleet Credit Card Services (EXHIBIT 7)
- Resolution to Accept Gift from the Cleveland Public Library Foundation and to Authorize Purchase of Display Cases (EXHIBIT 8)
- Resolution to Accept Grant from United Way of Greater Cleveland for the Family Space Program (EXHIBIT 9)
- Resolution to Accept Fulton/Verizon Community Innovation Lab (EXHIBIT 10)
- Resolution to Reject Bids, Declare Urgent Necessity and Authorize Negotiation of Contract for Louis Stokes Wing Ceiling Modification Project (EXHIBIT 11)
- Resolution to Purchase Computer Hardware from MNJ Technologies Direct, Inc. (EXHIBIT 12)
- Resolution Selecting and Ranking Most Qualified Architect Firms and Authorizing Negotiation of Agreement with Top-Ranked Firm for Glenville Branch Project (EXHIBIT 13)
- Resolution Authorizing Amendment to Agreement for Design Services for the Martin Luther King, Jr. Branch of the Cleveland Public Library (EXHIBIT 14)
- Human Resources Committee Report (Mr. Hairston, Chair)
- Community Services Committee Meeting Report (Mr. Corrigan, Chair)