November 16, 2021  Joint Finance, Human Resources & Community Services Committee Meeting

Out of an abundance of care, all guests are welcome to join this month’s board meeting online via Zoom.

Join by phone: (312) 626-6799 (Meeting ID: 861 6593 9575)

12:00 – Noon

Use the “SUBMIT A COMMENT TO THE BOARD” link to send a public comment to the Board of Trustees. During the meeting, you are also welcome to submit a comment via the Q&A feature on Zoom. Your comments will be read at a designated time during the board meeting.

  1. PRESENTATIONJaros Strategy LLC & L.A.N.D. Studio Inc.
  2. Finance Committee Report (Mr. Seifullah, Chair)
    1. Resolution to Accept Gifts for the Month of October (EXHIBIT 1)
    2. Tenth Amendment to the Year 2021 Appropriation (EXHIBIT 2)
    3. Resolution Requesting Tax Advance (EXHIBIT 3)
    4. Resolution to Advance Cash from the General Fund to the Coronavirus Relief Fund (EXHIBIT 4)
    5. Resolution to Accept Grant from the Clubhouse Network for the Rockport Best Buy Teen Tech Center (EXHIBIT 5)
    6. Resolution to Accept Grant from PNC for Economic Empowerment Programming (EXHIBIT 6)
    7. Resolution Authorizing Purchase of Shelving Upgrades and Maintenance Needs from Central Business Equipment Co. d/b/a Patterson Pope (EXHIBIT 7)
    8. Resolution to Purchase Computer Hardware from CDW Government, LLC (EXHIBIT 8)
    9. Resolution Authorizing Sale of Former Memorial Branch Building  (EXHIBIT 9)
    10. Resolution to Amend Total Cost for Uniform Rental Services with Rentwear, Inc. (EXHIBIT 10)
    11. Resolution to Amend Total Cost for Waste Management Services with Kimble Recycling & Disposal, Inc. (EXHIBIT 11)
    12. Resolution Authorizing Amendment to Agreement with Art Therapy Studio (EXHIBIT 12)
    13. Resolution to Engage Jaros Strategy LLC for Fundraising Consulting Services (EXHIBIT 13)
    14. Resolution Authorizing Purchase of Solar Shades for Book Storage Areas in the Louis Stokes Wing (EXHIBIT 14)
    15. Resolution Authorizing Amendment to Agreement for Design Services for the New Martin Luther King, Jr. Branch Project (EXHIBIT 15)
    16. Resolution to Engage L.A.N.D. Studio Inc. to Organize 2022 See Also and Art Wall Programs (EXHIBIT 16)
    17. Resolution to Engage L.A.N.D. Studio Inc. to Provide Project Support and Consulting Services (EXHIBIT 17)
  3. Human Resources Committee (Mr. Hairston, Chair)
    1. Regular Employment Report (EXHIBIT 18)
    2. Retirement Recognition Citation (EXHIBIT 19)
    3. Resolution Authorizing Off-Step Salary for Pages (EXHIBIT 20)
  4. Community Services Committee (Mr. Corrigan, Chair)
    1. Collection Development Policy (EXHIBIT 21)