April 13, 2021 Joint Finance & Human Resources Committee Meeting Agenda

Out of an abundance of care, all guests are welcome to join this month’s board meeting online via Zoom.

Join by phone: 1 301 715 8592 (Meeting ID: 86302077577)

12:00 – Noon

Use the “SUBMIT A COMMENT TO THE BOARD” link to send a public comment to the Board of Trustees. During the meeting, you are also welcome to submit a comment via the Q&A feature on Zoom. Your comments will be read at a designated time during the board meeting.

  1. Presentation: Portfolio Investments – Jim McCourt, Meeder Investment Management
  2. Finance Committee Report (Mr. Seifullah, Chair)
    1. Resolution to Accept Gifts for the Month of March (Exhibit 1)
    2. Fourth Amendment to the Year 2021 Appropriation (Exhibit 2)
    3. Resolution to Accept Cleveland Foundation Grant for Fellowship Position (Exhibit 3)
    4. Resolution to Accept Thomas H. White Foundation Grant for StoryWalk Programming at the Carnegie West Branch (Exhibit 4)
    5. Resolution to Renew the Maintenance Agreement with Tyler Technologies, Inc. for Support and to Update Licensing of the MUNIS ERP System (Exhibit 5)
    6. Resolution to Ratify Agreement with Carrier Corporation for Mt. Pleasant Branch HVAC Units (Exhibit 6)
    7. Resolution Authorizing Agreement with Pitney Bowes Inc. for Lease of Mail Equipment (Exhibit 7)
    8. Resolution Authorizing Agreement with Personnel Research & Development Corporation for Executive Coaching Services (Exhibit 8)
    9. Resolution Authorizing Purchase of Structural Steel for the New Hough Branch Library (Exhibit 8a)
  3. Human Resources Committee (Mr. Hairston, Chair)
    1. Regular Employment Report (Exhibit 9)
    2. Retirement Citation Recognition (Exhibit 10)