August 9, 2018
Trustees Room Louis Stokes Wing
12:00 Noon
- Oath of Office for Reappointment of Maritza Rodriguez
- Motion to Temporarily Suspend the Regulations
- Resolution Authorizing Partnership Agreement with Experience Aviation, Inc. (EXHIBIT 1)
- Resolution Authorizing Preliminary Agreement with JKURTZ Architects LTD and SO-IL Office LTD for Preliminary Professional Design Services for the Martin Luther King, Jr., Branch (EXHIBIT 2)
- Resolution to Revise Human Resources Manual (EXHIBIT 3)
- Resolution to Ratify and Approve the Purchase of Insurance Coverage for Policies Effective August 1, 2018 (EXHIBIT 4)
- Resolution to Ratify Agreement for Purchase of Natural Gas (EXHIBIT 5)
- Resolution to Amend Resolution Approving Reduced Guaranteed Maximum Price Amendment to Agreement with Regency Construction Services, Inc. for Safe, Warm and Dry Construction Project (EXHIBIT 6)
- Resolution to Accept the State Library of Ohio LSTA Discretionary Grants for the Ohio Library for the Blind and Print Disabled (OLBPD) (EXHIBIT 7)
- Resolution to Accept Grant from the Cleveland Foundation for HotSpot Lending Program (EXHIBIT 8)
- Amendment to Fines and Fees Schedule (EXHIBIT 9)
- Executive Session