Rose DeSiano’s public monument, “Reflect & Refract Democracy,” engages the Eastman Garden

Public education is democracy playing out. It’s the democracy of knowledge, how people should have access to information across all levels, classes, and educations. So it’s perfect to have that work in a public space like a library. Rose DeSiano, Reflect & Refract Democracy Even in these times of social distancing, visitors to Cleveland Public Library’s Eastman Reading Garden can…

Making Dreams Come True: From Israel to Cleveland, How Teens Changed E.131 Branch Library

On a January afternoon at Cleveland Public Library’s East 131st St. Branch, three teenagers show off the clothing and accessories they crafted from recycled materials. Amari Fountain, 15, dons a plastic poncho trimmed with newspaper comics while Brittani Morman, 13, wears another poncho with pockets fashioned out of potato chip bags. William Sweeney, 15, meanwhile, puts on a playful wig…

Cleveland 20/20: A Snapshot of the City’s Character

As the culmination of a yearlong community photography project honoring the Library’s 150th anniversary, Cleveland 20/20: A Photographic Exploration of Cleveland depicts the essence of our city by showcasing the work of local photographers. The free exhibition is on display in Main Library’s Brett Hall through November 2020. “This exhibition shows the diversity of life in Cleveland,” says Aaron Mason,…

Inspiring Empathy and Imagination at Cleveland Public Library

To spend even a few minutes speaking with ten-year-old Jaylyn is to bask in her obvious intelligence. This ten-year-old is passionate about animals, books, games, and gardening—and also politics, public safety, and building community. Fortunately, she’s found the perfect place to explore all her varied interests: Cleveland Public Library’s South Brooklyn Branch. “This library makes me feel safe,” Jaylyn says….

The Sound of Music: A Teen Explores New Instruments at South Branch

Teen Joswen Colon uses South Branch’s sound booth to learn new instruments, produce music, and make his parents proud. When Joswen Colon began visiting South Branch last year, he was looking for a place to spend time with friends and maybe play some video games. What he found, however, amounted to so much more. Before long, he was using professional…

Sharing Cleveland’s Story Through Words and Images

In honor of Cleveland Public Library’s 150th anniversary year, Library staff, community partners, patrons, and Cleveland residents alike are stepping up to help document Cleveland in 2019. Throughout the year, snapshots of present-day Cleveland— not to mention hints of the city’s history and even its future—have been captured through special photography and storytelling projects. First, the Cleveland Print Room has…