Illegal Move: The Claude F. Bloodgood Chess Collection

Killed chess king and pawn on board. Murdersymbol.

Cleveland Public Library houses the largest chess publication library in the world. It includes any type of chess-related document, manuscript, photograph, object, or archive that falls in this category. The Claude F. Bloodgood Collection was donated to the Library in 2003. It contains Bloodgood’s personal papers, including legal documents, medical and other prison records, and chess-related items from the 1970s…

Relaxation on the Mall

The Cleveland Public Library Special Collections proudly displays its recent donation of a painting created by Cleveland artist Moses Pearl. It is entitled Relaxation on the Mall, which depicts one of the granite carvings that surrounds the sphere in the pool of the fountain on Mall C in downtown Cleveland. Mr. Pearl (1917-2003) was a graduate from the Cleveland School…

Homage to Artist Edwin Mieczkowski (1929-2017)

  The Cleveland Public Library has supported Public Art for over 100 years. Art at the Library has inspired, mesmerized, and created much discussion over its purpose and meaning.  Art creates dialogue and makes us realize we all see something different so let’s talk about it. Ed Mieczkowski was one of those artists who saw and painted things differently.  Back…

The Disobedient Chicken: An Art Book by Christine Mannix

Cleveland Public Library Special Collections collects artist’s books created by local and regional artists. Artist’s books are works of art that transforms the concept or format of a book into an object of creative expression. They are often published in small editions or produced as one-of-a-kind. The Disobedient Chicken is a contemporary fabric artist book created from a scanned and…

Roll of Honor

Inside of very large book: Greater Cleveland Roll of Honor, signatures

Honoring Cleveland Veterans of WWII:  1942 Roll of Honor on display at Cleveland Public Library The Greater Cleveland Roll of Honor lists the names of many Cleveland area men and women who served during World War II. Since many were on active duty at the time, their wives, mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers or other family members would register the name of…

Superman painting by pulp fiction cover artist H.J.Ward comes to Cleveland

This painting of Superman by pulp magazine artist H.J. Ward comes to our exhibit after a long and mysterious journey.  It was commissioned for $100 in 1940 to promote the Superman radio series, and for many years hung in the offices at DC Comics’ New York headquarters.  Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster saw it every time they visited DC, but…